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1988 Auburn Astros ProCards #1953
1989 Auburn Astros ProCards #2166
1990 Arizona Collegiate Collection #121
1990 Arizona Collegiate Collection #79
1990 Florida State League All-Stars Star #11
1990 Osceola Astros Star #16
1990 Star #3
1991 Bowman #565
1991 Upper Deck Final Edition #24F
1991 Line Drive AAA #614
1991 Triple A All-Stars ProCards #AAA52
1991 Tucson Toros ProCards #2225
1991 ProCards Tomorrow's Heroes #223
1992 BBC Magazine Repli-Cards #62
1992 Bowman #110
1992 Classic Game #177
1992 Classic II #T46
1992 Donruss #5
1992 Donruss Rookies Phenoms #BC8
1992 Donruss Update #U6
1992 Fleer #655
1992 Fleer Update #17
1992 Indians Fan Club/McDonald's #17
1992 Jimmy Dean Rookie Stars #8
1992 Leaf Gold Rookies #BC4
1992 O-Pee-Chee #69
1992 O-Pee-Chee Premier #72
1992 Pinnacle #290
1992 Pinnacle #582
1992 Pinnacle Rookie Idols #7
1992 Pinnacle Rookies #3
1992 Pinnacle Team 2000 #35
1992 Score #845
1992 Score Hot Rookies #3
1992 Score Impact Players #32
1992 Score Rookie/Traded #14T
1992 Score Rookies #10
1992 Stadium Club #695
1992 Stadium Club National Convention #695
1992 Studio #168
1992 Topps #69
1992 Topps Gold #69
1992 Topps Gold Winners #69
1992 Topps Micro #69
1992 Topps Debut '91 #112
1992 Topps Traded #66T
1992 Topps Traded Gold #66T
1992 Ultra #350
1992 Ultra All-Rookies #7
1992 Upper Deck #25
1992 Upper Deck Gold Hologram #25
1992 Upper Deck #766
1992 Upper Deck Gold Hologram #766
1992 Upper Deck Scouting Report #SR15
1993 BBC Magazine #86
1993 Bowman #417
1993 Classic Game #54
1993 Diamond Marks #65
1993 Donruss #518
1993 Donruss #537
1993 Donruss Spirit of the Game #SG11
1993 Finest #43
1993 Finest Refractors #43
1993 Flair #195
1993 Fleer #218
1993 Fleer Fruit of the Loom #37
1993 Fleer #346
1993 Fleer Rookie Sensations #RSA1
1993 Fun Pack #109
1993 Indians WUAB-TV #18
1993 Jimmy Dean #23
1993 Leaf #40
1993 Leaf Fasttrack #3
1993 O-Pee-Chee #251
1993 O-Pee-Chee Premier Star Performers #17
1993 O-Pee-Chee Premier Star Performers Foil #17
1993 Pacific Jugadores Calientes #9
1993 Pacific Spanish #97
1993 Panini Stickers #53
1993 Pinnacle #40
1993 Pinnacle Team 2001 #18
1993 Red Foley Stickers #54
1993 Regional Baseball Index Bronze #C5
1993 Score #58
1993 Select #275
1993 Select Chase Rookies #4
1993 Select Stat Leaders #55
1993 Skybox Champs #FC2
1993 SP #123
1993 Stadium Club #277
1993 Stadium Club First Day Issue #277
1993 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #277
1993 Studio #180
1993 Topps #331
1993 Topps Gold #331
1993 Topps Inaugural Marlins #331
1993 Topps Inaugural Rockies #331
1993 Topps Micro #331
1993 Topps Black Gold #36
1993 Topps Black Gold #D2
1993 Toys'R'Us #69
1993 Triple Play #144
1993 Triple Play #181
1993 U.S. Playing Cards Aces #13H
1993 U.S. Playing Cards Rookies #1C
1993 Ultra #542
1993 Upper Deck #45
1993 Upper Deck Gold Hologram #45
1993 Upper Deck #262
1993 Upper Deck Gold Hologram #262
1993 Upper Deck Season Highlights #HI11
1994 Bowman #195
1994 Bowman's Best #R68
1994 Bowman's Best Refractors #R68
1994 Collector's Choice #315
1994 Collector's Choice Silver Signature #315
1994 Collector's Choice Gold Signature #315
1994 Collector's Choice #565
1994 Collector's Choice Silver Signature #565
1994 Collector's Choice Gold Signature #565
1994 Donruss #39
1994 Donruss Special Edition #39
1994 Finest #218
1994 Finest Jumbos #218
1994 Finest Refractors #218
1994 Flair #283
1994 Flair Hot Gloves #4
1994 Fleer #111
1994 Fleer Extra Bases #60
1994 Fleer League Leaders #4
1994 Fun Pack #107
1994 Kenner Starting Lineup Extended Cards #5
1994 Leaf #350
1994 Leaf Limited #28
1994 O-Pee-Chee #237
1994 O-Pee-Chee All-Star Redemptions #25
1994 O-Pee-Chee Jumbo All-Stars #25
1994 Pacific #173
1994 Pacific Silver Prisms #17
1994 Pacific Silver Prisms Circular #17
1994 Panini Stickers #58
1994 Pinnacle #179
1994 Pinnacle Artist's Proofs #179
1994 Pinnacle Museum Collection #179
1994 Pinnacle Run Creators #RC14
1994 Pinnacle The Naturals #7
1994 Score #81
1994 Score Gold Rush #81
1994 Score Cycle #TC2
1994 Score Gold Stars #41
1994 Select #231
1994 Select Skills #SK4
1994 SP #98
1994 SP Die Cuts #98
1994 Sportflics #43
1994 Sportflics Shakers #SH1
1994 Stadium Club #301
1994 Stadium Club First Day Issue #301
1994 Stadium Club Golden Rainbow #301
1994 Stadium Club Members Only 50 #27
1994 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #301
1994 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #ST19
1994 Stadium Club Super Teams #ST19
1994 Studio #93
1994 Topps #149
1994 Topps Gold #149
1994 Topps Pre-Production #331
1994 Topps Spanish #149
1994 Topps Black Gold #11
1994 Topps Traded Finest Inserts #6
1994 Triple Play #115
1994 U.S. Playing Cards Aces #1H
1994 U.S. Playing Cards Aces #8D
1994 Ultra #45
1994 Ultra Award Winners #7
1994 Ultra League Leaders #3
1994 Ultra Rising Stars #7
1994 Upper Deck #215
1994 Upper Deck Electric Diamond #215
1994 Upper Deck All-Star Jumbos #29
1995 Bazooka #22
1995 Bazooka Red Hot #RH4
1995 Bowman #305
1995 Bowman's Best #R20
1995 Bowman's Best Refractors #R20
1995 Bowman's Best #X10
1995 Bowman's Best Refractors #X10
1995 Collector's Choice #81
1995 Collector's Choice Silver Signature #81
1995 Collector's Choice Gold Signature #81
1995 Collector's Choice SE #119
1995 Collector's Choice SE Silver Signature #119
1995 Collector's Choice SE Gold Signature #119
1995 Collector's Choice SE #139
1995 Collector's Choice SE Silver Signature #139
1995 Collector's Choice SE Gold Signature #139
1995 Collector's Choice SE #258
1995 Collector's Choice SE Silver Signature #258
1995 Collector's Choice SE Gold Signature #258
1995 Donruss #371
1995 Donruss Press Proofs #371
1995 Donruss Diamond Kings #DK11
1995 Donruss Dominators #8
1995 Donruss Top of the Order #59
1995 Emotion #34
1995 Emotion Masters #5
1995 Finest #56
1995 Finest Refractors #56
1995 Flair Hot Gloves #7
1995 Flair Hot Numbers #5
1995 Flair Today's Spotlight #5
1995 Fleer #137
1995 Indians Fleer Revco #7
1995 Fleer All-Stars #16
1995 Fleer Update Headliners #12
1995 Fleer Update Smooth Leather #6
1995 Fleer Update Soaring Stars #6
1995 Kenner Starting Lineup Extended Cards #3
1995 Kraft #8
1995 Leaf #8
1995 Leaf 300 Club #18
1995 Leaf Great Gloves #8
1995 Leaf Limited #12
1995 Leaf Limited Gold #18
1995 Leaf Limited Bat Patrol #9
1995 National Packtime #16
1995 Pacific #122
1995 Pacific Gold Prisms #24
1995 Pacific Prisms #39
1995 Panini Stickers #125
1995 Panini Stickers #81
1995 Pinnacle #189
1995 Pinnacle Museum Collection #189
1995 Pinnacle Artist's Proofs #189
1995 Pinnacle #284
1995 Pinnacle Artist's Proofs #284
1995 Pinnacle Museum Collection #284
1995 Pinnacle Gate Attractions #GA17
1995 Pinnacle Red Hot #RH21
1995 Pinnacle White Hot #WH21
1995 Score #422
1995 Score Gold Rush #422
1995 Score Platinum Team Sets #422
1995 Score Double Gold Champs #GC8
1995 Score Hall of Gold #HG57
1995 Score Rules #SR14
1995 Select #120
1995 Select Artist's Proofs #120
1995 Select Certified #91
1995 Select Certified Mirror Gold #91
1995 SLU Baseball Extended #38
1995 SP #150
1995 SP Silver #150
1995 SP Championship #149
1995 SP Championship Die Cuts #149
1995 SP Special FX #10
1995 Sportflix #81
1995 Sportflix Artist's Proofs #81
1995 Sportflix Double Take #8
1995 Sportflix Hammer Team #HT16
1995 Sports Illustrated for Kids II #359
1995 Stadium Club #470
1995 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #470
1995 Stadium Club Super Team Division Winners #I470
1995 Stadium Club Super Team World Series #470
1995 Stadium Club Virtual Reality #257
1995 Stadium Club Virtual Reality Members Only #257
1995 Stadium Club Super Team Master Photos #14
1995 Stadium Club Virtual Extremists #VRE7
1995 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #VRE7
1995 Stadium Club Members Only 50 #29
1995 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #SS14
1995 Stadium Club Super Skills #SS14
1995 Studio #11
1995 Studio Gold Series #11
1995 Studio Platinum Series #11
1995 Summit #48
1995 Summit Nth Degree #48
1995 Tombstone Pizza #11
1995 Topps #104
1995 Topps Cyberstats #67
1995 Topps Cyber Season in Review #7
1995 Topps D3 Zone #6
1995 Topps Embossed #1
1995 Topps Embossed Golden Idols #1
1995 Topps Finest Inserts #10
1995 Topps League Leaders #LL16
1995 Topps League Leaders #LL30
1995 U.S. Playing Cards Aces #1H
1995 U.S. Playing Cards Aces #9D
1995 UC3 #143
1995 UC3 Artist's Proofs #143
1995 UC3 #85
1995 UC3 Artist's Proofs #85
1995 UC3 Cyclone Squad #CS19
1995 Ultra #38
1995 Ultra Gold Medallion #38
1995 Ultra All-Stars #11
1995 Ultra All-Stars Gold Medallion #11
1995 Ultra Award Winners #7
1995 Ultra Award Winners Gold Medallion #7
1995 Ultra League Leaders #2
1995 Ultra League Leaders Gold Medallion #2
1995 Ultra Rising Stars #6
1995 Ultra Rising Stars Gold Medallion #6
1995 Upper Deck #90
1995 Upper Deck Electric Diamond #90
1995 Upper Deck Electric Diamond Gold #90
1995 Upper Deck Predictor Award Winners #H24
1995 Upper Deck Predictor Award Winners Exchange #H24
1995 Upper Deck Predictor League Leaders #R22
1995 Upper Deck Predictor League Leaders Exchange #R22
1995 Upper Deck Special Edition #159
1995 Upper Deck Special Edition Gold #159
1995 Upper Deck Steal of a Deal #SD3
1995 Zenith #62
1995 Zenith Z-Team #15
1996 Bazooka #12
1996 Bowman #55
1996 Bowman Foil #55
1996 Bowman's Best #23
1996 Bowman's Best Refractors #23
1996 Bowman's Best Atomic Refractors #23
1996 Bowman's Best Mirror Image #6
1996 Bowman's Best Mirror Image Refractors #6
1996 Bowman's Best Mirror Image Atomic Refractors #6
1996 Circa #33
1996 Circa Rave #33 /150
1996 Circa Access #6
1996 Circa Boss #9
1996 Collector's Choice #127
1996 Collector's Choice Silver Signature #127
1996 Collector's Choice Gold Signature #127
1996 Collector's Choice #385T
1996 Collector's Choice #388T
1996 Collector's Choice #410
1996 Collector's Choice Silver Signature #410
1996 Collector's Choice #5
1996 Collector's Choice Silver Signature #5
1996 Collector's Choice Gold Signature #5
1996 Collector's Choice You Make the Play #21
1996 Collector's Choice You Make the Play #21A
1996 Collector's Choice You Make the Play Gold Signature #21
1996 Collector's Choice You Make the Play Gold Signature #21A
1996 Donruss #396
1996 Donruss Press Proofs #396
1996 Emotion-XL #49
1996 Emotion-XL D-Fense #5
1996 Finest #B233
1996 Finest Refractors #B233
1996 Finest #S327
1996 Finest Refractors #S327
1996 Finest #G81
1996 Finest Refractors #G81
1996 Flair #67
1996 Flair Gold #67
1996 Flair Hot Gloves #5
1996 Fleer #89
1996 Fleer Tiffany #89
1996 Fleer Update #U231
1996 Fleer Update Tiffany #U231
1996 Fleer Team Leaders #5
1996 Fleer Update Headliners #12
1996 Fleer Update Smooth Leather #5
1996 Fleer Zone #6
1996 Indians Arby's #5
1996 Indians Fleer #6
1996 Leaf #127
1996 Leaf Bronze Press Proofs #127
1996 Leaf Silver Press Proofs #127
1996 Leaf All-Star Game MVP Contenders #12
1996 Leaf All-Star Game MVP Contenders Gold #12
1996 Leaf Limited #29
1996 Leaf Limited Gold #29
1996 Leaf Preferred #24
1996 Leaf Preferred Press Proofs #24
1996 Leaf Preferred Steel #3
1996 Leaf Preferred Steel Gold #3
1996 Leaf Preferred Steel Promos #3
1996 Leaf Preferred Steel Gold Promos #3
1996 Leaf Signature #55
1996 Leaf Signature Gold Press Proofs #55
1996 Leaf Signature Platinum Press Proofs #55
1996 Leaf Signature Autographs #139
1996 Leaf Signature Autographs Gold #139
1996 Leaf Signature Autographs Silver #139
1996 Leaf Signature Extended Autographs #111
1996 Metal Universe #46
1996 Metal Universe Platinum #46
1996 Metal Universe Mother Lode #4
1996 Pacific #303
1996 Pacific Baerga Softball #7
1996 Pacific October Moments #OM11
1996 Pacific Prisms #P95
1996 Pacific Prisms Gold #P95
1996 Panini Stickers #123
1996 Panini Stickers #180
1996 Pinnacle #105
1996 Pinnacle Starburst #40
1996 Pinnacle Starburst Artist's Proofs #40
1996 Pinnacle #312
1996 Pinnacle Foil #312
1996 Pinnacle Starburst #194
1996 Pinnacle Starburst Artist's Proofs #194
1996 Pinnacle Aficionado #114
1996 Pinnacle Aficionado Slick Picks #23
1996 Pinnacle Christie Brinkley Collection #16
1996 Pro Mags All-Stars #4
1996 Pro Stamps #56
1996 Schwebels Discs #12
1996 Score #325
1996 Score Dugout Collection #B50
1996 Score Dugout Collection Artist's Proofs #B50
1996 Score Big Bats #16
1996 Score Numbers Game #22
1996 Score Reflextions #4
1996 Select #14
1996 Select Artist's Proofs #14
1996 Select Certified #4
1996 Select Certified Artist's Proofs #4
1996 Select Certified Certified Blue #4
1996 Select Certified Certified Red #4
1996 Select Certified Mirror Red #4
1996 Select Certified Interleague Preview #20
1996 SP #73
1996 SP Special FX #23
1996 SP Special FX Die Cuts #23
1996 Sportflix #39
1996 SPx #18
1996 SPx Gold #18
1996 Stadium Club #208
1996 Stadium Club Silver #208
1996 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #208
1996 Stadium Club #325
1996 Stadium Club Extreme Players Bronze #325
1996 Stadium Club Extreme Players Gold #325
1996 Stadium Club Extreme Players Silver #325
1996 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #325
1996 Stadium Club Silver #325
1996 Stadium Club Members Only 50 #21
1996 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #MM8
1996 Stadium Club Midsummer Matchups #M8
1996 Stadium Club Pre-Production #PP4
1996 Studio #45
1996 Studio Bronze Press Proofs #45
1996 Studio Gold Press Proofs #45
1996 Studio Silver Press Proofs #45
1996 Studio Stained Glass Stars #12
1996 Summit #39
1996 Summit Above and Beyond #39
1996 Summit Artist's Proofs #39
1996 Summit Foil #39
1996 Team Out #50
1996 Topps #420
1996 Topps Chrome #164
1996 Topps Chrome Refractors #164
1996 Topps Gallery #161
1996 Topps Gallery Players Private Issue #161
1996 Topps Laser #108
1996 Topps Laser Stadium Stars #13
1996 Topps Profiles #AL15
1996 Ultra #48
1996 Ultra Gold Medallion #48
1996 Ultra #584
1996 Ultra Gold Medallion #584
1996 Ultra Prime Leather #7
1996 Ultra Prime Leather Gold Medallion #7
1996 Ultra Rawhide #5
1996 Ultra Rawhide Gold Medallion #5
1996 Ultra Season Crowns #4
1996 Ultra Season Crowns Gold Medallion #4
1996 Ultra Promos #SC4
1996 Upper Deck #319
1996 Upper Deck All-Stars Jumbos #12
1996 Upper Deck Diamond Destiny #DD18
1996 Upper Deck Diamond Destiny Silver #DD18
1996 Upper Deck Diamond Destiny Gold #DD18
1996 Upper Deck Folz Minis #14
1996 Upper Deck Hot Commodities #HC18
1996 Upper Deck Predictor Hobby #H2
1996 Upper Deck Predictor Hobby Exchange #H2
1996 Upper Deck Predictor Retail #R26
1996 Upper Deck Predictor Retail Exchange #R26
1996 Upper Deck Run Producers #RP9
1996 Zenith #66
1996 Zenith Artist's Proofs #66
1997 Bowman #224
1997 Bowman Chrome #54
1997 Bowman Chrome Refractors #54
1997 Bowman International #224
1997 Bowman Chrome International #54
1997 Bowman Chrome International Refractors #54
1997 Bowman's Best #11
1997 Bowman's Best Refractors #11
1997 Bowman's Best Atomic Refractors #11
1997 Bowman's Best Jumbo #11
1997 Bowman's Best Jumbo Refractor #11
1997 Bowman's Best Preview #BBP8
1997 Bowman's Best Preview Refractor #BBP8
1997 Bowman's Best Preview Atomic Refractor #BBP8
1997 Bowman's Best Mirror Image Refractor #MI10
1997 Bowman's Best Mirror Image Atomic Refractor #MI10
1997 Circa #1
1997 Circa Rave #1 /150
1997 Collector's Choice #264
1997 Collector's Choice Teams #AB2
1997 Collector's Choice #59
1997 Collector's Choice All-Star Connection #25
1997 Collector's Choice Stick'Ums #7
1997 Collector's Choice Stick'Ums Retail #16
1997 Collector's Choice The Big Show #18
1997 Collector's Choice The Big Show World Headquarters #18
1997 Collector's Choice Toast of the Town #T5
1997 Cracker Jack #9
1997 Donruss #276
1997 Donruss Silver Press Proofs #276
1997 Donruss Gold Press Proofs #276
1997 Donruss #411
1997 Donruss Silver Press Proofs #411
1997 Donruss Gold Press Proofs #411
1997 Donruss #50
1997 Donruss Silver Press Proofs #50
1997 Donruss Gold Press Proofs #50
1997 Donruss Armed and Dangerous #9 /5000
1997 Donruss Dominators #16
1997 Donruss Elite #19
1997 Donruss Elite Gold Stars #19
1997 Donruss Franchise Features #12 /3000
1997 Donruss Limited Exposure #141
1997 Donruss Limited #73
1997 Donruss Limited Exposure #73
1997 Donruss Limited Exposure Non-Glossy #73
1997 Donruss Limited #94
1997 Donruss Limited Exposure #94
1997 Donruss Limited Fabric of the Game #31 /250
1997 Donruss Power Alley #15 /1750
1997 Donruss Power Alley Die Cuts #15 /250
1997 Donruss Preferred #174
1997 Donruss Preferred Cut to the Chase #174
1997 Donruss Preferred #24
1997 Donruss Preferred Cut to the Chase #24
1997 Donruss Signature #2
1997 Donruss Signature Platinum Press Proofs #2
1997 Donruss Team Sets #24
1997 Donruss Team Sets Pennant Edition #24
1997 Donruss Team Sets MVP's #14 /1000
1997 Donruss VxP 1.0 #33
1997 E-X2000 #56
1997 E-X2000 Credentials #56 /299
1997 E-X2000 Essential Credentials #56 /99
1997 E-X2000 Hall or Nothing #20
1997 Finest #174
1997 Finest Embossed #174
1997 Finest Refractors #174
1997 Finest #283
1997 Finest Embossed #283
1997 Finest Refractors #283
1997 Flair Showcase Hot Gloves #9
1997 Flair Showcase Row 0 #7
1997 Flair Showcase Row 1 #7
1997 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 1 #7 /100
1997 Flair Showcase Row 2 #7
1997 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 2 #7 /100
1997 Fleer #80
1997 Fleer Tiffany #80
1997 Fleer #501
1997 Fleer Tiffany #501
1997 Fleer Goudey Greats #6
1997 Fleer Goudey Greats Foil #6
1997 Indians Score #7
1997 Indians Score Platinum #7
1997 Indians Score Update #7
1997 Indians Score Update Tribe Collection #7
1997 Leaf #110
1997 Leaf Fractal Matrix #110
1997 Leaf Fractal Matrix Die Cuts #110
1997 Leaf #363
1997 Leaf Fractal Matrix #363
1997 Leaf Banner Season #6 /2500
1997 Leaf Gold Stars #17 /2500
1997 Leaf Leagues of the Nation #4 /2500
1997 Leaf Warning Track #5 /3500
1997 Metal Universe #82
1997 Metal Universe Magnetic Field #6
1997 Metal Universe Mother Lode #7
1997 New Pinnacle #25
1997 New Pinnacle Artist's Proofs #25
1997 New Pinnacle Museum Collection #25
1997 New Pinnacle Keeping the Pace #11
1997 Pacific #73
1997 Pacific Silver #73
1997 Pacific Prisms #26
1997 Pacific Prisms Light Blue #26
1997 Pacific Prisms Platinum #26
1997 Pacific Prisms Gate Attractions #GA5
1997 Pacific Prisms Sizzling Lumber #SL3C
1997 Pacific Prisms Sluggers and Hurlers #SH4A
1997 Pinnacle #186
1997 Pinnacle Museum Collection #186
1997 Pinnacle Artist's Proofs #PP186
1997 Pinnacle Certified #58
1997 Pinnacle Certified Red #58
1997 Pinnacle Certified Mirror Blue #58
1997 Pinnacle Certified Mirror Gold #58
1997 Pinnacle Certified Mirror Red #58
1997 Pinnacle Totally Certified Platinum Blue #58 /1999
1997 Pinnacle Totally Certified Platinum Gold #58 /30
1997 Pinnacle Totally Certified Platinum Red #58
1997 Pinnacle Certified Lasting Impressions #14
1997 Pinnacle Inside #71
1997 Pinnacle Inside Club Edition #71
1997 Pinnacle Inside Diamond Edition #71
1997 Pinnacle Inside Dueling Dugouts #12
1997 Pinnacle X-Press #6
1997 Pinnacle X-Press Men of Summer #6
1997 Score #157
1997 Score Artist's Proofs White Border #157
1997 Score Premium Stock #157
1997 Score Showcase Series #157
1997 Score Showcase Series Artist's Proofs #157
1997 Score #340
1997 Score Hobby Reserve #HR340
1997 Score Premium Stock Hobby Reserve #340
1997 Score Reserve Collection #HR340
1997 Score Showcase Series #340
1997 Score #540
1997 Score Hobby Reserve #HR540
1997 Score Premium Stock Hobby Reserve #540
1997 Score Reserve Collection #HR540
1997 Score Showcase Series #540
1997 Score Showcase Series Artist's Proofs #540
1997 Select #27
1997 Select Artist's Proofs #27
1997 Select Company #27
1997 Select Registered Gold #27
1997 Select Tools of the Trade #11
1997 SP #24
1997 SP Inside Info #3
1997 SP Special FX #12
1997 Sports Illustrated #77
1997 Sports Illustrated Extra Edition #77 /500
1997 Sports Illustrated Great Shots #3
1997 SPx #8
1997 SPx Bound for Glory #4 /1500
1997 SPx Bronze #8
1997 SPx Gold #8
1997 SPx Silver #8
1997 SPx Steel #8
1997 Stadium Club #3
1997 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #3
1997 Stadium Club Pre-Production #PP2
1997 Stadium Club Matrix #3
1997 Stadium Club Members Only Parallel #PL8
1997 Stadium Club Patent Leather #PL8
1997 Stadium Club Pure Gold #PG13
1997 Studio #85
1997 Studio Silver Press Proofs #85
1997 Studio Gold Press Proofs #85
1997 Studio Portraits 8 x 10 #17
1997 Studio Master Strokes #10 /2000
1997 Topps #350
1997 Topps Chrome #117
1997 Topps Chrome Refractors #117
1997 Topps Chrome Diamond Duos #DD4
1997 Topps Chrome Diamond Duos Refractors #DD4
1997 Topps Chrome Season's Best #21
1997 Topps Chrome Season's Best Refractors #21
1997 Topps Season's Best #SB21
1997 Topps Gallery #117
1997 Topps Gallery Player's Private Issue #117
1997 Topps Gallery Photo Gallery #PG9
1997 Topps Hobby Masters #HM10
1997 Topps Members Only 55 #31
1997 Topps Screenplays #13
1997 Topps Stars #64
1997 Topps Stars Always Mint #64
1997 UD3 #37
1997 Ultra #406
1997 Ultra #50
1997 Ultra Diamond Producers #5
1997 Ultra Double Trouble #5
1997 Ultra Fame Game #14
1997 Ultra Fielder's Choice #11
1997 Ultra Gold Medallion #50
1997 Ultra Platinum Medallion #50
1997 Ultra Gold Medallion #406
1997 Ultra Platinum Medallion #406
1997 Ultra Hitting Machines #12
1997 Ultra Leather Shop #11
1997 Ultra Season Crowns #4
1997 Ultra Top 30 #17
1997 Ultra Top 30 Gold Medallion #17
1997 Upper Deck #153
1997 Upper Deck #52
1997 Upper Deck #525
1997 Upper Deck 1996 Award Winner Jumbos #7
1997 Upper Deck Amazing Greats #AG7
1997 Upper Deck Home Team Heroes #HT11
1997 Upper Deck Predictor #12
1997 Upper Deck Predictor Exchange #12
1997 Upper Deck Run Producers #RP17
1997 Upper Deck Star Attractions #10
1997 Upper Deck Star Attractions Gold #SA10
1997 Zenith #37
1998 Aurora #31
1998 Bowman #231
1998 Bowman International #231
1998 Bowman Chrome #231
1998 Bowman Chrome International #231
1998 Bowman Chrome Refractors #231
1998 Bowman Chrome International Refractors #231
1998 Bowman Chrome Reprints #28
1998 Bowman Chrome Reprints Refractors #28
1998 Bowman's Best #81
1998 Bowman's Best Refractors #81 /400
1998 Bowman's Best Atomic Refractors #81 /100
1998 Braves Score #8
1998 Braves Score Platinum #8
1998 Circa Thunder #7
1998 Circa Thunder Rave #7 /150
1998 Collector's Choice #350
1998 Collector's Choice Mini Bobbing Heads #11
1998 Collector's Choice StarQuest #SQ57
1998 Collector's Choice StarQuest Single #11
1998 Collector's Choice StarQuest Double #11
1998 Collector's Choice StarQuest Triple #11
1998 Crown Royale #44
1998 Crown Royale All-Stars #3
1998 Donruss #16
1998 Donruss #195
1998 Donruss #350
1998 Donruss Collections Donruss #16
1998 Donruss Collections Elite #417
1998 Donruss Collections Elite #534
1998 Donruss Collections Leaf #349
1998 Donruss Collections Preferred #572
1998 Donruss Crusade Green #52 /250
1998 Donruss Crusade Purple #52 /100
1998 Donruss Crusade Red #52 /25
1998 Donruss Diamond Kings #6 /9500
1998 Donruss Dominators #28
1998 Donruss Elite #134
1998 Donruss Elite #17
1998 Donruss Elite Aspirations #134 /750
1998 Donruss Elite Aspirations #17 /750
1998 Donruss Elite Craftsmen #24 /3500
1998 Donruss Elite Master Craftsmen #24 /100
1998 Donruss Elite Prime Numbers #12B /304
1998 Donruss Elite Prime Numbers #12C /350
1998 Donruss Elite Prime Numbers Die Cuts #12A /300
1998 Donruss Elite Prime Numbers Die Cuts #12B /50
1998 Donruss Elite Status #17 /100
1998 Donruss Gold Press Proofs #16
1998 Donruss Gold Press Proofs #195
1998 Donruss Gold Press Proofs #350
1998 Donruss MLB 99 #8
1998 Donruss Preferred #22
1998 Donruss Preferred Precious Metals #20
1998 Donruss Preferred Seating #22
1998 Donruss Preferred Title Waves #27 /1995
1998 Donruss Prized Collections Donruss #16
1998 Donruss Prized Collections Elite #417
1998 Donruss Prized Collections Elite #534
1998 Donruss Prized Collections Leaf #349
1998 Donruss Production Line On-Base #7 /409
1998 Donruss Signature #39
1998 Donruss Silver Press Proofs #16
1998 Donruss Silver Press Proofs #195
1998 Donruss Silver Press Proofs #350
1998 E-X2001 #21
1998 Finest #210
1998 Finest No-Protectors #210
1998 Finest Refractors #210
1998 Finest No-Protectors Refractors #210
1998 Flair Showcase Row 0 #39 /500
1998 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 0 #39 /100
1998 Flair Showcase Row 1 #39
1998 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 1 #39 /100
1998 Flair Showcase Row 2 #39
1998 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 2 #39 /100
1998 Flair Showcase Row 3 #39
1998 Flair Showcase Legacy Collection Row 3 #39 /100
1998 Fleer Tradition #104
1998 Fleer Tradition Vintage '63 #5
1998 Fleer Tradition #358
1998 Fleer Tradition Vintage '63 #88
1998 Fleer Tradition Diamond Standouts #12
1998 Leaf #150
1998 Leaf Fractal Diamond Axis #150 /50
1998 Leaf Fractal Foundations #150 /3999
1998 Leaf Fractal Materials #150 /3050
1998 Leaf Fractal Matrix #150
1998 Leaf Fractal Matrix Die Cuts #150
1998 Leaf Heading for the Hall #11 /3500
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars #47
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars True Blue #47
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity #47 /49
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars #147
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars True Blue #147
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars Crosstraining #1 /1000
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars Great American Heroes #15 /2500
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars Major League Hard Drives #18 /2500
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars Ticket Masters #16 /2250
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars Ticket Masters Die Cuts #16 /250
1998 Leaf Statistical Standouts #20 /2500
1998 Metal Universe #44
1998 Metal Universe Universal Language #18
1998 Pacific #238
1998 Pacific Red Threatt #238
1998 Pacific Silver #238
1998 Pacific Invincible #24
1998 Pacific Invincible Platinum Blue #24
1998 Pacific Invincible Silver #24
1998 Pacific Omega #72
1998 Pacific Omega Red #72
1998 Pacific Online #223
1998 Pacific Online Red #223
1998 Paramount #38
1998 Paramount Copper #38
1998 Paramount Gold #38
1998 Paramount Platinum Blue #38
1998 Paramount Red #38
1998 Pinnacle #3
1998 Pinnacle Away Statistics Back #3
1998 Pinnacle Home Statistics Back #3
1998 Pinnacle Museum Collection #PP3
1998 Pinnacle Artist's Proofs #PP3
1998 Pinnacle Inside #136
1998 Pinnacle Inside Club Edition #136
1998 Pinnacle Inside Diamond Edition #136
1998 Pinnacle Inside #6
1998 Pinnacle Inside Club Edition #6
1998 Pinnacle Performers #22
1998 Pinnacle Plus #50
1998 Pinnacle Plus Artist's Proofs #AP22
1998 Pinnacle Plus Lasting Memories #20
1998 Pinnacle Plus Team Pinnacle #9
1998 Pinnacle Plus Team Pinnacle Mirror #9
1998 Revolution #45
1998 Score #94
1998 Score Showcase Series #PP140
1998 Score Showcase Series Artist's Proofs #PP140
1998 Score New Season #NS1
1998 Score Rookie Traded #44
1998 Score Rookie Traded Showcase Series Artist's Proofs #PP44
1998 SkyBox Dugout Axcess #128
1998 SkyBox Dugout Axcess Double Header #DH10
1998 SkyBox Dugout Axcess Frequent Flyers #FF2
1998 SP Authentic #75
1998 SP Authentic Sheer Dominance #SD6
1998 SP Authentic Sheer Dominance Gold #SD6 /2000
1998 SP Authentic Sheer Dominance Titanium #SD6 /100
1998 Sports Illustrated #81
1998 Sports Illustrated #130
1998 Sports Illustrated Extra Edition #130 /250
1998 Sports Illustrated for Kids II #703
1998 Sports Illustrated Then and Now #106
1998 Sports Illustrated Then and Now Extra Edition #106 /500
1998 Sports Illustrated World Series Fever #83
1998 Sports Illustrated World Series Fever Extra Edition #83 /98
1998 SPx Finite #75 /9000
1998 SPx Finite Radiance #75 /4500
1998 SPx Finite Spectrum #75 /2250
1998 SPx Finite #152 /7000
1998 SPx Finite Radiance #152 /3500
1998 SPx Finite Spectrum #152 /1750
1998 Stadium Club #364
1998 Stadium Club First Day Issue #364 /200
1998 Stadium Club One Of A Kind #364 /150
1998 Stadium Club Triumvirate Luminescent #T1C
1998 Stadium Club Triumvirate Luminous #T1C
1998 Studio #5
1998 Studio Gold Press Proofs #5 /300
1998 Studio Silver Press Proofs #5 /1000
1998 Studio Freeze Frame #17 /4500
1998 Studio Freeze Frame Die Cuts #17 /500
1998 Studio Masterstrokes #2 /1000
1998 Topps #175
1998 Topps Chrome #175
1998 Topps Chrome Refractors #175
1998 Topps Inaugural Devil Rays #175
1998 Topps Inaugural Diamondbacks #175
1998 Topps Minted in Cooperstown #175
1998 Topps Opening Day #94
1998 Topps Flashback #FB7
1998 Topps Chrome Flashback #FB7
1998 Topps Chrome Flashback Refractors #FB7
1998 Topps Gallery #12
1998 Topps Gallery Gallery Proofs #12 /125
1998 Topps Gallery Player's Private Issue #12 /250
1998 Topps Gallery Player's Private Issue Auction 75 Point #12
1998 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #64
1998 Topps Gold Label Class 2 #64
1998 Topps Gold Label Class 2 Black #64
1998 Topps Gold Label Class 3 #64
1998 Topps Gold Label Class 3 Black #64
1998 Topps Stars 'N Steel Gold #25
1998 Topps Stars #142 /9799
1998 Topps Stars Bronze #142 /9799
1998 Topps Stars Silver #142 /4399
1998 Topps Stars Gold #142 /2299
1998 Topps Stars Luminaries Bronze #L8 /100
1998 Topps Stars Luminaries Silver #L8 /75
1998 Topps Stars Luminaries Gold #L8 /50
1998 Topps Tek Pattern 17 #45
1998 Topps Tek Pattern 3 #45
1998 Topps Tek Pattern 38 #45
1998 Topps Tek Pattern 4 #45
1998 Topps Tek Pattern 43 #45
1998 Topps Tek Pattern 47 #45
1998 Topps Tek Pattern 5 #45
1998 Topps Tek Pattern 52 #45
1998 Topps Tek Pattern 53 #45
1998 Topps Tek Pattern 55 #45
1998 Topps Tek Pattern 62 #45
1998 Topps Tek Pattern 63 #45
1998 Topps Tek Pattern 64 #45
1998 Topps Tek Pattern 74 #45
1998 Topps Tek Pattern 89 #45
1998 UD3 #175
1998 UD3 Die Cuts #175 /1000
1998 UD3 #85
1998 UD3 Die Cuts #85 /2000
1998 Ultra #203
1998 Ultra Gold Medallion #203G
1998 Ultra Platinum Medallion #203P /100
1998 Ultra #337
1998 Ultra Gold Medallion #337G
1998 Ultra Platinum Medallion #337P /98
1998 Ultra #498
1998 Ultra Gold Medallion #498G
1998 Ultra Artistic Talents #18
1998 Ultra Double Trouble #3
1998 Ultra Prime Leather #17
1998 Ultra Top 30 #3
1998 Upper Deck #148
1998 Upper Deck #27
1998 Upper Deck 3 x 5 Blow Ups #27
1998 Upper Deck #345
1998 Upper Deck #621
1998 Upper Deck 10th Anniversary Preview #50
1998 Upper Deck 10th Anniversary Preview Retail #50
1998 Upper Deck All-Star Credentials #AS27
1998 Upper Deck Amazing Greats #AG7 /2000
1998 Upper Deck Amazing Greats Die Cuts #AG7 /250
1998 Upper Deck Clearly Dominant #CD7 /250
1998 Upper Deck Retro #29
1998 Upper Deck Retro Groovy Kind of Glove #G7
1998 Upper Deck Retro Time Capsule #TC10
1998 Upper Deck Retrospectives #26
1998 Upper Deck Special F/X Power Zone #PZ16
1998 Upper Deck Special F/X Power Zone OctoberBest #PZ14
1998 Upper Deck Unparalleled #7
1998 Zenith #38
1998 Zenith Z-Silver #38
1998 Zenith 5 x 7 #13
1999 Aurora #53
1999 Aurora Red #53
1999 Black Diamond #26
1999 Black Diamond Double #26 /3000
1999 Black Diamond Quadruple #26 /150
1999 Black Diamond Triple #26 /1500
1999 Black Diamond Dominance #D11 /1500
1999 Bowman #61
1999 Bowman Chrome #61
1999 Bowman Chrome Refractors #61
1999 Bowman Gold #61 /99
1999 Bowman Chrome Gold #61
1999 Bowman International #61
1999 Bowman Chrome International #61
1999 Bowman Chrome International Refractors #61 /100
1999 Bowman Late Bloomers #LB7
1999 Bowman's Best #59
1999 Bowman's Best Refractors #59 /400
1999 Crown Royale #44
1999 Crown Royale Opening Day #44 /72
1999 Finest #225
1999 Finest Refractors #225
1999 Finest Gold Refractors #225 /100
1999 Fleer Mystique #84
1999 Fleer Mystique Gold #84
1999 Fleer Tradition #188
1999 Fleer Tradition Millenium #188
1999 Fleer Tradition Warning Track #188
1999 Hasbro Starting Lineup Cards #21
1999 Metal Universe #159
1999 Pacific #131
1999 Pacific Red #131
1999 Pacific Platinum Blue #131
1999 Pacific Crown Collection #87
1999 Pacific Crown Collection Platinum Blue #87
1999 Pacific Gold Crown Die Cuts #7
1999 Pacific Invincible #45
1999 Pacific Omega #74
1999 Pacific Omega Diamond Masters #12
1999 Pacific Prism #44
1999 Pacific Prism Holographic Gold #44 /480
1999 Pacific Prism Holographic Purple #44 /320
1999 Pacific Prism Holographic Mirror #44 /160
1999 Pacific Prism Holographic Blue #44 /80
1999 Paramount #74
1999 Paramount Red #74
1999 Paramount Copper #74
1999 Paramount Gold #74
1999 Paramount Holo-Gold #74 /199
1999 Paramount Holo-Silver #74 /99
1999 Paramount Opening Day #74 /74
1999 Private Stock #38
1999 Private Stock PS-206 #38
1999 Revolution #44
1999 SkyBox Molten Metal #118
1999 SkyBox Molten Metal Fusion #18
1999 SkyBox Molten Metal Fusion Sterling #18 /500
1999 SkyBox Molten Metal Oh Atlanta #1
1999 SkyBox Molten Metal Xplosion #118
1999 SkyBox Premium #184
1999 SkyBox Premium Star Rubies #184 /50
1999 SkyBox Thunder #189
1999 SkyBox Thunder Rant #189
1999 SP Authentic #26
1999 SP Authentic Epic Figures #E12
1999 SP Authentic Reflections #R12
1999 SPx #34
1999 SPx Finite Radiance #34 /100
1999 SPx Premier Stars #PS7
1999 SPx Star Focus #SF10
1999 Stadium Club #71
1999 Stadium Club First Day Issue #71 /170
1999 Stadium Club One of a Kind #71 /150
1999 Topps #68
1999 Topps Opening Day #38
1999 Topps Chrome #68
1999 Topps Chrome Refractors #68
1999 Topps Gallery #72
1999 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #81
1999 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Black #81
1999 Topps Gold Label Class 2 #81
1999 Topps Gold Label Class 3 Black #81
1999 Topps Stars 'N Steel #23
1999 Topps Stars #88
1999 Topps Stars One Star #88
1999 UD Choice #80
1999 UD Choice Preview #80
1999 UD Choice Prime Choice Reserve #80 /100
1999 UD Choice Mini Bobbing Head #B12
1999 UD Choice StarQuest #26
1999 UD Choice StarQuest Green #26
1999 UD Choice StarQuest Red #26
1999 UD Ionix #20
1999 UD Ionix #72
1999 UD Ionix Cyber #C23
1999 UD Ionix Reciprocal #20 /750
1999 UD Ionix Reciprocal #72 /100
1999 Ultimate Victory #38
1999 Ultimate Victory Parallel #38
1999 Ultimate Victory Parallel 100 #38 /100
1999 Ultra #113
1999 Ultra Gold Medallion #113
1999 Ultra Platinum Medallion #113 /99
1999 Upper Deck #354
1999 Upper Deck Encore #30
1999 Upper Deck Encore FX Gold #30 /125
1999 Upper Deck Exclusives Level 1 #354 /100
1999 Upper Deck 10th Anniversary Team #X27
1999 Upper Deck 10th Anniversary Team Double #X27 /4000
1999 Upper Deck 10th Anniversary Team Triple #X27 /100
1999 Upper Deck Century Legends #87
1999 Upper Deck Century Legends Century Collection #87 /100
1999 Upper Deck HoloGrFX #17
1999 Upper Deck HoloGrFX AuSOME #17
1999 Upper Deck Immaculate Perception #I14
1999 Upper Deck Immaculate Perception Double #I14 /1000
1999 Upper Deck MVP #62
1999 Upper Deck MVP Silver Script #62
1999 Upper Deck MVP Gold Script #62 /100
1999 Upper Deck MVP Super Tools #T8
1999 Upper Deck Ovation #59
1999 Upper Deck Ovation Major Production #S18
1999 Upper Deck Retro #27
1999 Upper Deck Retro Gold #27 /250
1999 Upper Deck Victory #125
1999 Upper Deck Wonder Years #WY16
1999 Upper Deck Wonder Years Double #WY16 /2000
2000 Aurora #42
2000 Aurora Premiere Date #42 /52
2000 Aurora Pinstripes #42
2000 Aurora Pinstripes Premiere Date #42 /52
2000 Black Diamond #26
2000 Black Diamond Reciprocal Cut #26
2000 Black Diamond Final Cut #26 /100
2000 Bowman #21
2000 Bowman Chrome #21
2000 Bowman Chrome Refractors #21
2000 Bowman Chrome Retro/Future #21
2000 Crown Royale #41
2000 Crown Royale Red #41
2000 Crown Royale Limited #41 /144
2000 Crown Royale Premiere Date #41 /121
2000 Crown Royale Platinum Blue #41 /75
2000 Finest #201
2000 Finest Refractors #201
2000 Fleer Focus #82
2000 Fleer Focus Masterpiece Mania #82 /300
2000 Fleer Gamers #67
2000 Fleer Gamers Extra #67
2000 Fleer Tradition #245
2000 Fleer Tradition Glossy #245
2000 Fleer Twizzlers #11
2000 Impact #172
2000 MLB Showdown 1st Edition #134
2000 MLB Showdown Unlimited #134
2000 Pacific #132
2000 Pacific Ruby #132A
2000 Pacific Emerald Green #132 /99
2000 Pacific Platinum Blue #132 /75
2000 Pacific #132A
2000 Pacific Ruby #132
2000 Pacific Copper #132A /99
2000 Pacific Emerald Green #132A /99
2000 Pacific Crown Collection #80
2000 Pacific Crown Collection Holographic Purple #80 /199
2000 Pacific Crown Collection Premiere Date #80 /27
2000 Pacific Crown Collection Moment of Truth #11
2000 Pacific Omega #39
2000 Pacific Omega Premiere Date #39 /77
2000 Paramount #71
2000 Paramount Copper #71
2000 Paramount Gold #71
2000 Paramount Green #71
2000 Paramount Ruby #71
2000 Paramount Platinum Blue #71 /67
2000 Paramount Premiere Date #71 /50
2000 Private Stock #39
2000 Private Stock Silver Portraits #39 /199
2000 Private Stock Gold Portraits #39 /99
2000 Revolution #46
2000 Revolution Season Opener #14
2000 SkyBox #134
2000 SkyBox Star Rubies #134
2000 SkyBox Star Rubies Extreme #134 /50
2000 SkyBox Dominion #148
2000 SP Authentic Buybacks #89 /100
2000 SP Authentic Buybacks #90 /84
2000 SP Authentic Buybacks #92 /82
2000 SP Authentic Buybacks #93 /21
2000 SP Authentic Buybacks #94 /99
2000 SP Authentic Chirography #KL
2000 Stadium Club #109
2000 Stadium Club First Day Issue #109 /150
2000 Stadium Club Chrome #109
2000 Stadium Club Chrome Refractors #109
2000 Topps #165
2000 Topps Home Team Advantage #165
2000 Topps Chrome #165
2000 Topps Chrome Refractors #165
2000 Topps Limited #165
2000 Topps Opening Day #77
2000 Topps Chrome Combos #TC1
2000 Topps Chrome Combos Refractors #TC1
2000 Topps Limited Combos #TC1
2000 Topps Gallery #45
2000 Topps Gallery Player's Private Issue #45 /250
2000 Topps HD #28
2000 Topps MVP Promotion Exchange #MVP22
2000 Topps Stars #88
2000 Topps Stars Metallic Blue #88 /299
2000 UD Ionix #28
2000 UD Ionix Reciprocal #R28
2000 Ultra #172
2000 Ultra Gold Medallion #172
2000 Ultra Platinum Medallion #172 /50
2000 Upper Deck #94
2000 Upper Deck Gold Reserve #40
2000 Upper Deck Exclusives Silver #94 /100
2000 Upper Deck HoloGrFX #39
2000 Upper Deck MVP #96
2000 Upper Deck MVP Silver Script #96
2000 Upper Deck MVP Game Used Souvenirs #KLG
2000 Upper Deck MVP Game Used Souvenirs Signed #KLSG /25
2000 Upper Deck Pros and Prospects Game Jersey Autograph #KL
2000 Upper Deck Victory #150
2001 Absolute Memorabilia #114
2001 Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum #114 /10
2001 Bowman #7
2001 Bowman Chrome #4
2001 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors #4 /99
2001 Bowman Chrome X-Fractors #4
2001 Bowman Gold #7
2001 Bowman Heritage #122
2001 Donruss #114
2001 Donruss Baseball's Best Bronze #114
2001 Donruss Baseball's Best Silver #114
2001 Donruss Stat Line Career #114 /306
2001 Donruss Stat Line Season #114 /30
2001 Donruss 1999 Retro #41
2001 Donruss 1999 Retro Stat Line Career #41 /311
2001 Donruss 1999 Retro Stat Line Season #41 /54
2001 Donruss Class of 2001 #27
2001 Donruss Class of 2001 First Class #27 /75
2001 Donruss Class of 2001 Samples #27
2001 Donruss Classics #94
2001 Donruss Elite #114
2001 Donruss Elite Aspirations #114 /93
2001 Donruss Elite Chicago Collection #114 /5
2001 Donruss Signature #94
2001 Donruss Signature Chicago Collection #94 /5
2001 Donruss Signature Hawaii #94 /25
2001 Donruss Signature Proofs #94 /175
2001 Donruss Signature Stats #30 /210
2001 Finest #64
2001 Finest Refractors #64 /499
2001 Fleer Authority Diamond Cuts Memorabilia #58
2001 Fleer Focus #54
2001 Fleer Focus Green #54 /278
2001 Fleer Futures #172
2001 Fleer Futures Black Gold #172 /499
2001 Fleer Game Time #44
2001 Fleer Genuine #15
2001 Fleer Platinum #83
2001 Fleer Tradition #323
2001 Leaf Certified Materials Fabric of the Game #106BA
2001 Leaf Certified Materials Fabric of the Game #106CR /306
2001 Leaf Certified Materials Fabric of the Game #106SN /15
2001 Leaf Certified Materials #94
2001 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Red #94 /75
2001 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Gold #94 /25
2001 Leaf Limited #156 /500
2001 Leaf Limited #55
2001 MLB Showdown 1st Edition #134
2001 MLB Showdown Unlimited #134
2001 Pacific #129
2001 Pacific Hobby LTD #129 /70
2001 Pacific Extreme LTD #129 /45
2001 Pacific Premiere Date #129 /36
2001 Private Stock #34
2001 Private Stock Silver #34
2001 Private Stock Premiere Date #34 /90
2001 Private Stock Silver Portraits #34 /290
2001 Private Stock Gold Portraits #34 /75
2001 Private Stock Game Gear #54
2001 Private Stock Game Jersey Patch #54
2001 SP Game Bat Edition Piece of the Game #KL
2001 SP Game Used Edition Authentic Fabric #KL
2001 SP Game Used Edition Authentic Fabric 2 #KL /25
2001 Stadium Club #97
2001 Studio #94
2001 Studio Leather and Lumber #LL29
2001 Topps #448
2001 Topps Chrome #434
2001 Topps Chrome Retrofractors #434
2001 Topps Employee #448
2001 Topps Gold #448 /2001
2001 Topps Home Team Advantage #448
2001 Topps Limited #448
2001 Topps Heritage #271
2001 Topps Reserve #50
2001 Topps Stars #36
2001 Topps Stars Gold #36 /499
2001 Topps Stars Onyx #36 /99
2001 Ultra #92
2001 Ultra Gold Medallion #92
2001 Ultra Platinum Medallion #92 /50
2001 Upper Deck #76
2001 Upper Deck Exclusives Silver #76 /100
2001 Upper Deck Exclusives Gold #76 /25
2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove Leather Bound #LBKL
2001 Upper Deck Gold Glove Leather Bound Autograph #SLBKL
2001 Upper Deck MVP #49
2001 Upper Deck Pros and Prospects Game-Used Dual Bat #PPJL
2001 Upper Deck Victory #76
2001 Upper Deck Vintage #55
2001 Upper Deck Vintage #56
2002 Absolute Memorabilia #36
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum #36 /100
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Team Quads #TQ6
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Team Quads Gold #TQ6
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Tools of the Trade Gold #TT50
2002 Absolute Memorabilia Tools of the Trade Materials #TT50 /150
2002 Donruss #85
2002 Donruss Stat Line Career #85 /256
2002 Donruss Stat Line Season #85 /91
2002 Donruss Samples #85
2002 Donruss Fan Club #27
2002 Donruss Fan Club Die-Cuts #27
2002 Donruss Best of Fan Club #27
2002 Donruss Best of Fan Club Spotlight #27 /100
2002 Donruss Classics New Millennium Classics #42 /450
2002 Fleer #457
2002 Fleer Gold Backs #457
2002 Fleer Box Score #251 /2950
2002 Fleer Box Score First Edition #251 /100
2002 Fleer Focus JE #202
2002 Fleer Focus JE Century Parallel #202 /101
2002 Fleer Premium #59
2002 Fleer Premium Star Ruby #59 /125
2002 Fleer Tradition #425
2002 Fleer Tradition Update #U99
2002 Fleer Tradition Update #U135
2002 Fleer Tradition Update Glossy #U135 /200
2002 Fleer Triple Crown #59
2002 Fleer Triple Crown Batting Average Parallel #59 /261
2002 Leaf #22
2002 Leaf Press Proofs Blue #22
2002 Leaf Press Proofs Red #22
2002 Leaf Press Proofs Platinum #22 /25
2002 Leaf Certified #115
2002 Leaf Certified Mirror Red #115 /150
2002 Leaf Certified Mirror Blue #115 /75
2002 Leaf Certified Mirror Gold #115 /25
2002 Leaf Game Collection #KLB
2002 Leaf Lineage #22
2002 Leaf Lineage Century #22 /100
2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars #25A
2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars #25B
2002 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity #25B /100
2002 MLB Showdown Pennant Run #119
2002 MLB Showdown Pennant Run #24
2002 MLB Showdown Trading Deadline #16
2002 Playoff Piece of the Game Materials #44A
2002 Playoff Piece of the Game Materials #44B
2002 Playoff Piece of the Game Materials Bronze #44 /250
2002 Playoff Piece of the Game Materials Silver #44 /100
2002 SP Authentic #197
2002 SP Authentic #37
2002 SP Authentic Blue Gem Collection #37 /1
2002 SP Authentic Limited #37 /125
2002 SP Authentic Limited Gold #37 /50
2002 SPx #215
2002 Stadium Club #52
2002 Topps #583
2002 Topps Home Team Advantage #583
2002 Topps Limited #583
2002 Topps Gold #583 /2002
2002 Topps Chrome #583
2002 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors #583
2002 Topps Chrome Black Refractors #583 /50
2002 Topps 206 #365
2002 Topps 206 Polar Bear #365
2002 Topps 206 Sweet Caporal Black #365
2002 Topps 206 Sweet Caporal Red #365
2002 Topps 206 #62
2002 Topps 206 Polar Bear #62
2002 Topps 206 Tolstoi #62
2002 Topps 206 Tolstoi Red #62
2002 Topps 206 Relics #KL
2002 Topps Chrome Summer School Top of the Order Relics #TOCKL
2002 Topps Traded #T84
2002 Topps Traded Gold #T84 /2002
2002 Topps Chrome Traded #T84
2002 Topps Chrome Traded Refractors #T84
2002 Topps Chrome Traded Black Refractors #T84 /100
2002 Topps Pristine #15
2002 Topps Pristine Refractors #15 /149
2002 Topps Pristine Gold Refractors #15 /70
2002 Topps Traded Tools of the Trade Relics #KL
2002 UD Authentics Retro Star Rookie Jerseys #SRKL
2002 UD Authentics Retro Star Rookie Jerseys Gold #SRKL /275
2002 UD SuperStars #208
2002 UD SuperStars Gold #208 /250
2002 Ultra #172
2002 Ultra Gold Medallion #172
2002 Upper Deck #113
2002 Upper Deck 40-Man #1087
2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric Rainbow #1087 /40
2002 Upper Deck 40-Man #411
2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric #1087
2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Electric Rainbow #411 /40
2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Looming Large Jerseys #LKL /250
2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Looming Large Jerseys Gold #LKL /40
2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Super Swatch #SKL /250
2002 Upper Deck 40-Man Super Swatch Gold #SKL /40
2002 Upper Deck Chasing History #CH15
2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection #227 /775
2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection #431 /775
2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection #461 /200
2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection #592
2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection Bat Around Quads #ALAE
2002 Upper Deck Diamond Connection Bat Around Quads Gold #ALAE /50
2002 Upper Deck Honor Roll #125
2002 Upper Deck MVP #126
2002 Upper Deck MVP Game Souvenirs Jersey #JKL
2002 Upper Deck Ovation #144
2002 Upper Deck Victory #597
2002 Upper Deck Victory #72
2002 Upper Deck Victory Gold #72
2002 Upper Deck Vintage Timeless Teams Game Bat Quads #CLE
2002 Upper Deck World Series Heroes Classic Match-Ups Memorabilia #MU95a
2003 Absolute Memorabilia #68
2003 Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum #68 /100
2003 Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum Signatures #68 /50
2003 Bowman Heritage #64
2003 Bowman Heritage Facsimile Signature #64
2003 Donruss #94
2003 Donruss Stat Line Career #94 /286
2003 Donruss Chicago Collection #94 /5
2003 Donruss Champions #228
2003 Donruss Champions Holo-Foil #228 /25
2003 Donruss Champions Autographs #228 /25
2003 Donruss Champions Atlantic City National #228 /5
2003 Donruss Classics #81
2003 Donruss Classics Samples #81
2003 Donruss Classics Timeless Tributes #81 /100
2003 Donruss Elite #166
2003 Donruss Elite Aspirations #166 /99
2003 Donruss Elite Status Gold #166 /24
2003 Donruss Elite Atlantic City National #166 /5
2003 Donruss Elite Recollection Autographs #39 /25
2003 Donruss Signature Century Proofs #78 /100
2003 Donruss Signature Decade Proofs #78 /10
2003 Donruss Signature Autographs #78
2003 Donruss Signature Autographs Notations #7/150 /150
2003 Donruss Signature Autographs Century #78 /100
2003 Donruss Signature Autographs Notations Century #7 /100
2003 Donruss Team Heroes #432
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Stat Line #432 /139
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Chicago Collection #432 /5
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Autographs #432 /15
2003 Fleer Focus JE #33
2003 Fleer Focus JE Century Parallel #33 /101
2003 Fleer Platinum #82
2003 Fleer Platinum Finish #82 /100
2003 Fleer Tradition #196
2003 Fleer Tradition Glossy #196 /100
2003 Fleer Tradition Update #26
2003 Fleer Tradition Update Glossy #26 /100
2003 Leaf #240
2003 Leaf Press Proofs Red #240
2003 Leaf Press Proofs Blue #240 /50
2003 Leaf Certified Materials #162
2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Blue #162 /50
2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Blue Materials #162 /100
2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Gold #162 /25
2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Gold Materials #162 /25
2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Red #162 /100
2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Red Materials #162 /250
2003 MLB Showdown Pennant Run #86
2003 Playoff Piece of the Game Bronze #54 /150
2003 Playoff Piece of the Game Silver #54 /75
2003 Playoff Piece of the Game Gold #54 /50
2003 Playoff Piece of the Game #54A
2003 SPx #95
2003 Topps #622
2003 Topps Home Team Advantage #622
2003 Topps Gold #622 /2003
2003 Topps Black #622 /52
2003 Topps Chrome #415
2003 Topps Chrome Black Refractors #415 /199
2003 Topps Chrome Silver Refractors #415
2003 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors #415 /449
2003 Topps Chrome Refractors #415 /699
2003 Topps Chrome Uncirculated X-Fractors #415 /57
2003 Topps 205 #232
2003 Topps 205 Polar Bear #232
2003 Topps 205 Sovereign #232
2003 Topps 205 Relics #KL1
2003 Topps 205 Relics #KL2
2003 Topps Gallery #52
2003 Topps Gallery Artist's Proofs #52
2003 Topps Heritage #386
2003 Topps Kanebo MLB Gum Series One Silver #53
2003 Topps Total #751
2003 Topps Total Silver #751
2003 Topps Traded #T110
2003 Topps Traded Gold #T110 /2003
2003 Topps Chrome Traded #T110
2003 Topps Chrome Traded Refractors #T110
2003 Topps Traded Transactions Bat Relics #KL
2003 Upper Deck #485
2003 Upper Deck 40-Man #696
2003 Upper Deck 40-Man Red White and Blue #696
2003 Upper Deck Classic Portraits Signs of Success #KL /296
2003 Upper Deck Classic Portraits Signs of Success Gold #KL /25
2003 Upper Deck MVP #306
2003 Upper Deck Vintage #245
2003 Upper Deck Vintage #314
2003 Upper Deck Vintage #99
2003 Upper Deck Vintage Dropping the Hammer #KL
2003 Upper Deck Vintage Dropping the Hammer Gold #KL /100
2003 Upper Deck Vintage Men with Hats #MHKL
2004 Absolute Memorabilia Retail #135
2004 Absolute Memorabilia #135 /1349
2004 Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum Silver #135 /100
2004 Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum Gold #135 /50
2004 Bazooka #52
2004 Bazooka Minis #52
2004 Bazooka Red Chunks #52
2004 Bazooka 4 on 1 Sticker #35
2004 Donruss #334
2004 Donruss Stat Line Career #334 /298
2004 Donruss Press Proofs Red #334
2004 Donruss Press Proofs Black #334 /10
2004 Donruss Team Heroes #82
2004 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Bronze #82 /150
2004 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Silver #82 /50
2004 Donruss World Series #126
2004 Donruss World Series HoloFoil 100 #126 /100
2004 Donruss World Series HoloFoil 50 #126 /50
2004 Donruss World Series HoloFoil 25 #126 /25
2004 Donruss World Series Material Bat #126 /100
2004 Fleer Sweet Sigs Autograph Red #KL /50
2004 Fleer Tradition #206
2004 Leaf #179
2004 Leaf Second Edition #179
2004 Leaf Press Proofs Red #179
2004 Leaf Press Proofs Gold #179 /25
2004 Leaf Certified Materials #116
2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Bat Red #116 /250
2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Bat White #116 /200
2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Bat Blue #116 /100
2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Bat Gold #116 /25
2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Red #116 /100
2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror White #116 /100
2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Blue #116 /50
2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Gold #116 /25
2004 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Emerald #116 /5
2004 Leather and Lumber Lumber/Leather Bat-Fld Glove #27 /50
2004 Leather and Lumber Lumber/Leather Bat-Ball #27 /25
2004 Leather and Lumber Lumber/Leather Bat-Btg Glove #27 /25
2004 MLB Showdown #65
2004 MLB Showdown Trading Deadline #62
2004 Playoff Prestige #41
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Green #41 /150
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Purple #41 /150
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Black #41 /75
2004 Throwback Threads Player Threads #40 /250
2004 Throwback Threads Player Threads Prime #40 /25
2004 Topps #508
2004 Topps 1st Edition #508
2004 Topps Gold #508 /2004
2004 Topps Black #508 /53
2004 Topps Chrome #266
2004 Topps Chrome Refractors #266
2004 Topps Chrome Black Refractors #266
2004 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors #266
2004 Topps Chrome Red X-Fractors #266
2004 Topps Cracker Jack #28
2004 Topps Cracker Jack Mini #28
2004 Topps Cracker Jack Mini Blue #28
2004 Topps Cracker Jack Mini Stickers #28
2004 Topps Heritage #230
2004 Topps Opening Day #111
2004 Topps Pristine Fantasy Favorites Relics #KL
2004 Topps Pristine Fantasy Favorites Relics Refractors #KL /25
2004 Topps Total #631
2004 Topps Total Silver #631
2004 Topps Traded Transactions Relics #KL
2004 Ultra #244
2004 Ultra Gold Medallion #244
2004 Ultra Platinum Medallion #244 /100
2004 Upper Deck #400
2004 Upper Deck Glossy #400
2004 Yankees Fleer Daily News #6
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Quads #TQ63 /150
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Trios #TT28 /200
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Trios #TT52 /200
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Trios #TT54 /200
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Trios Spectrum #TT37 /125
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Trios Spectrum #TT54 /125
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Trios Swatch Double #TT28 /25
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Trios Swatch Single #TT54 /150
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Tools of the Trade Black #141 /100
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Tools of the Trade Black #74 /100
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Tools of the Trade Blue #141 /150
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Tools of the Trade Red #141 /250
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Tools of the Trade Reverse Spectrum Red #141 /50
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Tools of the Trade Swatch Double #74 /150
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Tools of the Trade Swatch Five #141 /100
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Tools of the Trade Swatch Five Reverse #141 /35
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Tools of the Trade Swatch Quad #74 /100
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Tools of the Trade Swatch Triple #141 /175
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Tools of the Trade Swatch Triple #74 /25
2005 Donruss #277
2005 Donruss Champions #167
2005 Donruss Champions #312
2005 Donruss Champions #447
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Blue #312 /100
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Blue #447 /100
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Material #167
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Orange #167 /75
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Orange #447 /75
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Red #312 /250
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Red #447 /250
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Shoe #312 /103
2005 Donruss Stat Line Career #277 /297
2005 Donruss Press Proofs Red #277 /200
2005 Donruss Press Proofs Blue #277 /100
2005 Donruss Stat Line Season #277 /76
2005 Donruss Press Proofs Gold #277 /25
2005 Donruss Team Heroes #343
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Red #343
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Bronze #343 /100
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Silver #343 /50
2005 Fleer Tradition #111
2005 Fleer Tradition Gray Backs #111
2005 MLB Showdown #222
2005 MLB Showdown Trading Deadline #126
2005 National Pastime Buyback Game Used #KL /21
2005 Phillies Team Issue #18
2005 Studio #218
2005 Studio Proofs Silver #218 /100
2005 Throwback Threads #218
2005 Throwback Threads Gold Century Proof #218 /100
2005 Throwback Threads Material Bat #218 /150
2005 Throwback Threads Material Combo #218 /100
2005 Topps #420
2005 Topps 1st Edition #420
2005 Topps Black #420 /54
2005 Topps Gold #420 /2005
2005 Topps Heritage #21
2005 Topps Heritage White Backs #21
2005 Topps Rookie Cup #82
2005 Topps Rookie Cup Red #82 /499
2005 Topps Rookie Cup Orange #82 /399
2005 Topps Rookie Cup Yellow #82 /299
2005 Topps Rookie Cup Green #82 /199
2005 Topps Rookie Cup Blue #82 /50
2005 Topps Rookie Cup Reprints #82
2005 Topps Total #8
2005 Topps Total Silver #8
2005 Zenith #180
2005 Zenith Artist's Proofs Gold #180 /50
2005 Zenith Museum Collection #180
2005 Zenith Z-Bats #12
2006 Dodgers Topps #LAD5
2006 Topps #97
2006 Topps Gold #97 /2006
2006 Topps Black #97 /55
2006 Topps Heritage #126
2006 Topps Trading Places #KL
2006 Topps Trading Places Relics #KL
2006 Topps Update #UH128
2006 Topps Update Gold #UH128 /2006
2006 Topps Update Black #UH128 /55
2006 Upper Deck #348
2006 Upper Deck Gold #348 /299
2006 Upper Deck Special F/X #348
2006 Upper Deck Special F/X Purple #348 /150
2006 Upper Deck Special F/X Green #348 /99
2006 Upper Deck #670
2006 Upper Deck Gold #670 /299
2006 Upper Deck Silver Spectrum #670 /99
2006 Upper Deck Special F/X #670
2006 Upper Deck Special F/X Purple #670 /150
2006 Upper Deck Special F/X Green #670 /99
2006 Upper Deck Special F/X Red #670 /50
2006 Upper Deck Diamond Collection #KL
2006 Upper Deck Diamond Collection Gold #KL /699
2006 Upper Deck Diamond Collection Materials #KL
2007 Fleer #164
2007 Fleer Mini Die Cuts #164
2007 SP Authentic Authentic Speed #AS33
2007 Topps #371
2007 Topps Red Back #371
2007 Topps 1st Edition #371
2007 Topps Gold #371 /2007
2007 Topps Copper #371 /56
2007 Topps Heritage #320
2007 Topps Update #328
2007 Topps Update Red Back #328
2007 Topps Update Gold #328 /2007
2007 Topps Update Copper #328 /56
2007 Ultra #188
2007 Ultra Retail #188
2007 Ultra Gold #188
2007 Ultra Retail Gold #188 /999
2007 Upper Deck #352
2007 Upper Deck First Edition #230
2007 Upper Deck Predictor Green #352
2007 Upper Deck #986
2008 Topps #93
2008 Topps Gold Foil #93
2008 Topps Gold Border #93 /2008
2008 Topps Black #93 /57
2008 Topps Opening Day #44
2008 Topps Opening Day Gold #44 /2199
2008 Topps #128
2008 Topps Gold Foil #128
2008 Topps Gold Border #128 /2008
2008 Topps Black #128 /57
2008 Topps 50th Anniversary All Rookie Team #AR50
2008 Topps 50th Anniversary All Rookie Team Gold #AR50 /99
2008 Topps Heritage #36
2008 Topps Heritage #374
2008 Topps Heritage Advertising Panels #38
2008 Topps Heritage Advertising Panels #999
2008 Topps Year in Review #YR117
2008 Upper Deck #129
2008 Upper Deck First Edition #106
2008 Upper Deck First Edition Glossy #106
2008 Upper Deck Gold #129 /99
2013 Finest Buyback Autographs #KL /5
2013 Topps Archives Four-In-One #CHNL
2013 Topps Five Star Autographs #KL /386
2013 Topps Five Star Autographs Rainbow #KL /25
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen Autographs #KL
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Autographs #KL /10
2013 Topps Supreme Autographs #SAKL /50
2013 Topps Supreme Autographs Sepia #SAKL /35
2013 Topps Supreme Autographs Red #SAKL /25
2013 Topps Supreme Autographs Blue #SAKL /20
2013 Topps Supreme Autographs Orange #SAKL /15
2013 Topps Supreme Autographs Green #SAKL /10
2013 Topps Supreme Autographs Black #SAKL /5
2013 Topps Tier One Crowd Pleaser Autographs #KL /59
2013 Topps Tribute Autographs #KL /99
2013 Topps Tribute Autographs Blue #KL /50
2013 Topps Tribute Autographs Sepia #KL /35
2013 Topps Tribute Autographs Orange #KL /25
2013 Topps Tribute Autographs Gold #KL /15
2013 Topps Tribute Autographs Red #KL /5
2013 Upper Deck Goodwin Champions #126A
2013 Upper Deck Goodwin Champions #126B
2013 Upper Deck Goodwin Champions Autographs #AKL
2013 Upper Deck Goodwin Champions Mini #126
2013 Upper Deck Goodwin Champions Mini Green #126
2013 Upper Deck Goodwin Champions Mini Canvas #126
2014 Topps Tier One Acclaimed Autographs #AAKL /50
2014 Topps Tier One Acclaimed Autographs Bronze Ink #AAKL /25
2014 Topps Tier One Acclaimed Autographs Silver Ink #AAKL /10
2014 Topps Tribute Tribute Traditions Autographs #TTKL /99
2014 Topps Tribute Tribute Traditions Autographs Blue #TTKL /50
2014 Topps Tribute Tribute Traditions Autographs Orange #TTKL /40
2014 Topps Tribute Tribute Traditions Autographs Sepia #TTKL /35
2014 Topps Tribute Tribute Traditions Autographs Green #TTKL /25
2014 Upper Deck National Convention #17
2016 Prime Cuts Biography Materials #11 /49
2016 Prime Cuts Biography Materials Blue #11 /25
2017 Bowman 70th Anniversary Buybacks Bronze #1999-61
2017 Bowman 70th Anniversary Buybacks Silver #2000-21
2017 Topps Salute #S187
2017 Topps Salute Red #S187 /25
2019 Topps Legacy of Baseball Autographs Red #LBAKL /25
2020 Diamond Kings DK Originals Signatures Holo Gold #3 /50
2020 Diamond Kings DK Originals Signatures Holo Blue #3 /25
2020 Diamond Kings DK Originals Signatures Purple #3 /20
2020 Donruss Classics Autographs #5
2020 Donruss Classics Autographs Blue #5 /49
2020 Donruss Classics Autographs Gold #5 /25
2020 Immaculate Collection Immaculate Signatures #16 /49
2020 Immaculate Collection Immaculate Signatures Red #16 /25
2020 Immaculate Collection Immaculate Signatures Holo Silver #16 /15
2020 Immaculate Collection Immaculate Signatures Black #16 /10
2020 Immaculate Collection Immaculate Signatures Green #16 /5
2020 Panini Flawless Patches #37 /10
2020 Panini Flawless Patches Emerald #37 /3
2020 Panini Flawless Signatures #11 /20
2020 Panini Flawless Signatures Ruby #11 /15
2020 Panini Flawless Signatures Sapphire #11 /10
2020 Panini National Treasures Clearly Jumbo Swatch Signatures #25 /25
2020 Panini National Treasures Treasured Material Signatures Gold #7 /15
2020 Select '93 Retro Select Materials #18
2020 Select '93 Retro Select Materials Prizms Holo #18 /75
2020 Select '93 Retro Select Materials Prizms Tri-Color #18 /49
2020 Select '93 Retro Select Materials Prizms Green #18 /3
2020 Select Signatures #17 /99
2020 Select Signatures Prizms Holo #17 /75
2020 Select Signatures Prizms Tri-Color #17 /49
2020 Select Signatures Prizms Cracked Ice #17 /25
2020 Select Signatures Prizms Gold #17 /10
2020 Select Signatures Prizms Green #17 /5
2020 Topps 582 Montgomery Club Members Vote Autographs #8A
2020 Topps Allen and Ginter #333
2020 Topps Allen and Ginter Silver #333
2020 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini #333
2020 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini A and G Back #333
2020 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Black Border #333
2020 Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Gold Border #333
2020 Topps Allen and Ginter X #333
2020 Topps Chrome Black Autographs #CBALFT
2020 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Refractors #CBALFT /150
2020 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Green Refractors #CBALFT /99
2020 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Gold Refractors #CBALFT /50
2020 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Orange Refractors #CBALFT /25
2020 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Red Refractors #CBALFT /5
2020 Topps Living #331
2020 Topps On Demand Dynamic Duals #14
2020 Topps On Demand Dynamic Duals Blue #14
2020 Topps On Demand Dynamic Duals Dual Autographs #14
2020 Topps Rip #80
2020 Topps Rip Black #80 /99
2020 Topps Rip Purple #80 /50
2020 Topps Rip Gold #80 /5
2020 Topps Throwback Thursday #111
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics #TTARKL1 /18
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold #TTARKL1 /9
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale #TTARKL1 /1
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics #TTARKL2 /18
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold #TTARKL2 /9
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire #TTARKL2 /3
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale #TTARKL2 /1
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics #TTARKL3 /18
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold #TTARKL3 /9
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire #TTARKL3 /3
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics #TTARKL4 /18
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold #TTARKL4 /9
2021 Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber #GUL56 /25
2021 Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Purple #GUL56 /9
2021 Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Navy Blue #GUL56 /3
2021 Panini Flawless Star Swatch Signatures Sapphire #SSS-KL /7
2021 Panini Flawless Star Swatch Signatures Emerald #SSS-KL /3
2021 Panini Flawless Triple Patch Auto Sapphire #TPA-KL /7
2021 Panini Flawless Triple Patch Auto Gold #TPA-KL /5
2021 Panini National Treasures Retro Materials #17 /49
2021 Panini National Treasures Retro Materials Holo Gold #17 /15
2021 Panini National Treasures Retro Materials Holo Silver #17 /10
2021 Panini Origins Autographs Silver Ink #22 /25
2021 Panini Origins Autographs Gold Ink #22 /15
2021 Stadium Club Autographs #SCBAKL
2021 Stadium Club Autographs Red Foil #SCBAKL /50
2021 Stadium Club Autographs Black Foil #SCBAKL /25
2021 Stadium Club Autographs Orange Foil #SCBAKL /5
2021 Topps '86 Topps Autographs #86AKL
2021 Topps '86 Topps Autographs Black #86AKL /199
2021 Topps '86 Topps Autographs Gold #86AKL /50
2021 Topps '86 Topps Autographs Red #86AKL /25
2021 Topps 206 Wave 8 #29
2021 Topps 206 Wave 8 Piedmont Back #29
2021 Topps 206 Wave 8 Sovereign #29
2021 Topps 206 Wave 8 Cycle #29 /25
2021 Topps 70 Years of Baseball Autographs #70YAKL
2021 Topps 70 Years of Baseball Autographs Gold #70YAKL /50
2021 Topps 70 Years of Baseball Autographs Red #70YAKL /25
2021 Topps Clearly Authentic '86 Topps Autographs #86TBAKL
2021 Topps Clearly Authentic '86 Topps Autographs Green #86TBAKL /99
2021 Topps Clearly Authentic '86 Topps Autographs Black #86TBAKL /75
2021 Topps Clearly Authentic '86 Topps Autographs Red #86TBAKL /50
2021 Topps Clearly Authentic '86 Topps Autographs Blue #86TBAKL /25
2021 Topps Clearly Authentic '86 Topps Autographs Purple #86TBAKL /10
2021 Topps Clearly Authentic '86 Topps Autographs Orange #86TBAKL /5
2021 Topps Gold Label Framed Autographs #FAKL
2021 Topps Gold Label Framed Autographs Black #FAKL /75
2021 Topps Gold Label Framed Autographs Blue #FAKL /50
2021 Topps Gold Label Framed Autographs Red #FAKL /25
2021 Topps Japan MLB in Japan #MIJ4
2021 Topps Japan MLB in Japan Gold #MIJ4 /25
2021 Topps Japan MLB in Japan Red #MIJ4 /5
2021 Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs #PPAKL /300
2021 Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs Bronze Ink #PPAKL /25
2021 Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs Silver Ink #PPAKL /10
2021 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics #TTARKL1 /27
2021 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Amber #TTARKL1 /18
2021 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold #TTARKL1 /9
2021 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire #TTARKL1 /3
2021 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics #TTARKL2 /27
2021 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Amber #TTARKL2 /18
2021 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold #TTARKL2 /9
2021 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire #TTARKL2 /3
2021 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale #TTARKL2 /1
2021 Topps X Spotlight 70 by Andy Friedman #40
2021 Topps X Spotlight 70 by Andy Friedman Spotlight70 Stamp #40 /70
2021 Topps X Spotlight 70 by Andy Friedman Glossy Stock #40 /50
2021 Topps X Spotlight 70 by Andy Friedman Red Back #40 /10
2021 Topps X Spotlight 70 by Andy Friedman Rainbow Foil #40 /5
2022 Leaf Lumber Bat Speed Relic Bronze #BS-06 /25
2022 Leaf Lumber Bat Speed Relic Purple #BS-06 /9
2022 Leaf Lumber Bat Speed Relic Pewter #BS-06 /6
2022 Leaf Lumber Bat Speed Relic Emerald #BS-06 /3
2022 Leaf Lumber Bat Speed Relic Red #BS-06 /3
2022 Leaf Lumber Bat Speed Relic Silver #BS-06 /2
2022 Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Relic Bronze #GUL-71 /35
2022 Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Relic Purple #GUL-71 /12
2022 Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Relic Pewter #GUL-71 /8
2022 Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Relic Emerald #GUL-71 /4
2022 Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Relic Black #GUL-71 /5
2022 Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Relic Red #GUL-71 /3
2024 Topps Allen & Ginter Relics #AGR-KLOF
2024 Topps Archives '68 Action All-Stars Autographs #68AA-KL
2024 Topps Archives '68 Action All-Stars Autographs Gold Foilboard #68AA-KL /50
2024 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #565 /3
2024 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #365 /2
2024 Topps Big League Electric Orange Foil Autographs #BEO-KL
2024 Topps Chrome Black Autographs #CBA-KL
2024 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Refractors #CBA-KL /150
2024 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Green Refractors #CBA-KL /99
2024 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Gold Refractors #CBA-KL /50
2024 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Gold Mini-Diamond Refractors #CBA-KL /50
2024 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Red Refractors #CBA-KL /5
2024 Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relic Autographs #SWDRA-KL /299
2024 Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relic Autographs Pink #SWDRA-KL /99
2024 Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relic Autographs Gold #SWDRA-KL /25
2024 Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relic Autographs Sapphire #SWDRA-KL /20
2024 Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relic Autographs Amethyst #SWDRA-KL /15
2024 Topps '89 Topps Autographs #89BA-KL
2024 Topps '89 Topps Autographs Black #89BA-KL /199
2024 Topps '89 Topps Autographs Gold #89BA-KL /50
2024 Topps '89 Topps Autographs Red #89BA-KL /25
2024 Topps Five Star Silver Signatures #SS-KL /40
2024 Topps Five Star Silver Signatures Purple #SS-KL /25
2024 Topps Five Star Silver Signatures Blue #SS-KL /20
2024 Topps Five Star Silver Signatures Green #SS-KL /15
2024 Topps Five Star Silver Signatures Gold #SS-KL /10
2024 Topps Tribute Autographs #TA-KL /199
2024 Topps Tribute Autographs Blue #TA-KL /150
2024 Topps Tribute Autographs Green #TA-KL /99
2024 Topps Tribute Autographs Gold #TA-KL /75
2024 Topps Tribute Autographs Purple #TA-KL /50
2024 Topps Tribute Autographs Orange #TA-KL /25
2024 Topps Tribute Autographs Red #TA-KL /10
2024 Topps Tier One Talent Autographs #T1TA-KL /149
2024 Topps Tier One Talent Autographs Blue Foil #T1TA-KL /99
2024 Topps Tier One Talent Autographs Green Foil #T1TA-KL /49
2024 Topps Tier One Talent Autographs Red Foil #T1TA-KL /25
2023 Topps 206 High Series #KL
2023 Topps 206 High Series Carolina Brights #KL
2023 Topps 206 High Series Piedmont #KL
2023 Topps 206 High Series Polar Bear #KL
2023 Topps 206 High Series Sweet Caporal #KL
2023 Topps 206 High Series Uzit #KL
2023 Topps 206 High Series 95 Morton Brick #KL /25
2023 Topps 206 High Series Wood Paper Stock #KL /20
2023 Topps 206 High Series Blank Backs #KL /10
2023 Topps 206 High Series Interleague Logo #KL /5
2023 Topps 206 Low Series Autographs #15
2023 Topps All-Time All-Stars #ASA-KL
2023 Topps All-Time All-Stars Green #ASA-KL /25
2023 Topps Allen & Ginter SP #346
2023 Topps Allen & Ginter SP Foil Filigree #346
2023 Topps Allen & Ginter SP Silver Portrait Hot Box #346
2023 Topps Allen & Ginter Mini #346
2023 Topps Allen & Ginter Mini A and G Back #346
2023 Topps Allen & Ginter Mini No Number #346
2023 Topps Allen & Ginter Mini Black #346
2023 Topps Allen & Ginter Mini Gold #346
2023 Topps Allen & Ginter Framed Mini Autograph #MA-KLO
2023 Topps Allen & Ginter Framed Mini Autograph Black #MA-KLO /25
2023 Topps Allen & Ginter Relics #AGRB-KL
2023 Topps Allen & Ginter X SP #346
2023 Topps Allen & Ginter X Mini #346
2023 Topps Archives '57 Topps Hit Stars Autographs #57HS-KL
2023 Topps Archives '57 Topps Hit Stars Autographs Gold #57HS-KL /50
2023 Topps Archives '57 Topps Hit Stars Autographs Blue #57HS-KL /25
2023 Topps Archives '57 Topps Hit Stars Autographs Red #57HS-KL /10
2023 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #97 /31
2023 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #28 /28
2023 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #371 /20
2023 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #508 /16
2023 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #662 /16
2023 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #420 /11
2023 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #583 /10
2023 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #111 /5
2023 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #751 /4
2023 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #266 /4
2023 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #224 /1
2023 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #631 /1
2023 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #64 /1
2023 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #T84 /1
2023 Topps Archives Signature Series Retired #52 /1
2023 Topps Brooklyn Collection Autographs #AC-KL /99
2023 Topps Brooklyn Collection Autographs Black #AC-KL /75
2023 Topps Brooklyn Collection Autographs Gold #AC-KL /50
2023 Topps Brooklyn Collection Autographs Blue #AC-KL /30
2023 Topps Brooklyn Collection Autographs Orange #AC-KL /20
2023 Topps Brooklyn Collection Autographs Purple #AC-KL /10
2023 Topps Brooklyn Collection Autographs Red #AC-KL /5
2023 Topps Chrome Black Autographs #CBA-KLO
2023 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Refractors #CBA-KLO /150
2023 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Green Refractors #CBA-KLO /99
2023 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Gold Refractors #CBA-KLO /50
2023 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Gold Mini-Diamond Refractors #CBA-KLO /50
2023 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Orange Refractors #CBA-KLO /25
2023 Topps Chrome Black Autographs Red Refractors #CBA-KLO /5
2023 Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs #CPA-KL
2023 Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Refractors #CPA-KL /199
2023 Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Aqua Refractors #CPA-KL /150
2023 Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Blue Prism Refractors #CPA-KL /99
2023 Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Platinum Toile Cream/Blue Refractors #CPA-KL /99
2023 Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Green Refractors #CPA-KL /75
2023 Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Gold Refractors #CPA-KL /50
2023 Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Orange Refractors #CPA-KL /25
2023 Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Red Refractors #CPA-KL /5
2025 Topps '90 Topps Autographs Orange #90A-KL /25